For my web venture, I want to create a fashion-type game. On the first page, players will have a choice of 4 different characters, then after they choose, they will have to choose a decade (70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 2010s). After players have chosen a decade, a popular song from that decade will be an embedded video on the next page. Next, they will choose their occasion (casual or party, casual or workout, etc.) // or chose the fashion style they want to achieve (workout style for 80s, skirts with jeans for 2000s, etc. [I don't know which one to do]). Then players will be able to choose their bottoms, tops, and shoes on the following pages. After that, the final pages will be their character dressed in what they chose along with a gif of someone dressing that way (ex. 70s: gif of Fez from That 70s). Throughout the web venture, I will include visual aids of pics and gifs, as well as, I want to include easter eggs of iconic things from those eras. I want to have hidden historically iconic things on some of the pages and if you hover over it, a link will bring you to something like a video or page explaining the history of that incident. I want these historical hidden links to be more on the side of pop culture from that time, rather than historically boring things.
Brainstorm Blog #4